
Trigger warnings

  This is a picture of my daughter when she was just three years old at her very first EEG scan. If you are lucky enough to not know what an EEG scan is, here is the google definition:  “ An electroencephalogram is a test that measures electrical activity in the brain using small electrodes attached to the scalp. This test is done to diagnosis any type of brain disorders including but not limited to epilepsy, brain tumors, head injuries, sleep disorders, stroke, and inflammation of the brain. ”  The tech takes you back to what seems like a comfortable room and then proceeds to attach 50-75 small electrodes and wires to the head. With glue. The tech then wrapped her up, so that she was not able to play with or remove said wires, but she ended up resembling something like ET. The main purpose of this test is to attempt to provoke seizures by using common triggers … .such as hyperventilation, flashing lights, and sleep deprivation. As a parent, you are now locked in this room watching som

I want to break free

  When we first moved into our tri-level house, my initial thoughts were “Awesome! The kids can have one whole entire level as their playroom while I can keep the upstairs clean!” and “There will not be toys scattered all over the house when they have one level specifically called the toy room!” and probably the best one “I will not be bothered at all while trying to make supper now!” And God looked down and laughed and gave us child #3! We had gotten along just fine until she became mobile. So we put up the baby gates on both sets of stairs. In an attempt to keep her confined to one area, she was well aware of all the “treasures” that lay just outside of her little prison….including the toys in the other kids’ bedrooms and most important, the toilet. Yes I said it….if she could grab it and throw it in there without someone seeing, she would be in her glory! You could hear her little baby voice yelling “Flush it” from a level away! Did I mention her middle name should have been Trouble

Who loves Oscar?!

  We have been well out of the Sesame Street phase for a good couple years now. But child #3 is quickly falling in love with the show. What ’ s not to love? The music, the morals, and all the cute little characters are enough to make me want to watch it again! In my previous posts, I ’ ve mentioned how downright difficult my third child has been and this was clearly defined on a recent Walmart trip. While meandering down the toy aisle (I know we are playing with fire here), Kendall spotted a furry friend she just had to have. I picked it up and gave it to her which was immediately received with a bear hug and a big  “ awe ” . Like a friend you have not seen in years just unexpectedly showed up at Walmart. Like a brother from another mister. Like a long-lost twin separated at birth. This familiar friend was none other than Oscar the Grouch. Not Elmo, not Bert or Ernie, not cookie monster, but literally the most unfriendly friend on the Street. It suited her personality to a tee. But I ’

Do axolotls go to Heaven?

  My 7-year-old daughter is currently obsessed with axolotls. If you do not know what this is, please see attached picture. That is the G-rated version. If you ’ re feeling ambitious, search google images for pictures of axolotls. These will forever scar your mind. It will haunt you in the middle of the night, give you the eebie jeebies, and make you feel like it ’ s crawling all over you. It will make you think it ’ s going to come out of the shower head at any given moment while taking a shower. Anyone else or is it just me?! These creatures are so ugly, it is the face only a mother can love … and I ’ m not even sure that is the case. The mother lays the eggs and then leaves. Bye Felicia! Did you know that if an axolotl injures or loses a limb, they have the capability of growing it back? It ’ s like that creepy lizard villain in the spider-man movie … just why God, why?!?!   Did you also know that on average, children ask between 200-300 questions a day? And if we ’ re talking about

The difficult child

  When I was pregnant with our third child, I had high expectations of having a mellow baby that would just go with the flow. A little tag along that would keep up with our busy lifestyle. A sweet little love that would sleep anywhere and giggle a lot! And then God laughed and gave us a red head. And she really truly lives up to that characteristic. I knew my expectations had quickly crumbled when on the second night of our hospital stay, the nurse came in the room with a screaming banshee of a baby and said  “ Well she has a good set of lungs on her ” . She is by no means mellow. She is high maintenance, stubborn, particular, and only wants her momma. She has a bit of a temper … .and I mean she can go from a sweet little dear and into fiery baby Jack-Jack (from Disney Incredibles) in like 5 seconds flat. It usually stems from my absence. If she ’ s with a sitter or church nursery, the routine usually goes as follows (in her point of view):  “ Oh look my mom is leaving ” ,  “ Where did

The defining moments

 It's been three years now since Covid overtook the world. It's also been three years since my son was referred to speech therapy. He's now four and a half so we have been struggling with this almost his whole life. He began the birth-three program through the county when he was roughly 18 months old and barely speaking four words consistently. However with Covid, everything was virtual and for a toddler that young, it was pretty much a joke. Fast forward to today, and he is still in speech therapy through the school district and making big improvements. It is still a struggle though and he still has a ways to go. While I dream of the day he graduates the program, my momma heart still hurts for him. He is young and innocent and believes that there is nothing different about him. Even if kids make fun of him, he doesn't realize it. Bless his little heart because mine would be shattered. Some weeks we take five giant steps forward and some we take three steps back. Someti

Change your shoes!

 This year I've decided on a few New Years resolutions, one of which is to run a marathon. Or a half marathon. Or a 10K. Or at this rate, make it around the block. I got into running during the beginning of covid and fell in love with it. However a recent injury caused a setback. About three months ago, I noticed sharp pains in my foot and toe. So much so that it was impossible to continue my running. I went to two different doctors and had x-rays taken which showed nothing. They passed it off as being a contusion from too much exercise and I needed to take a break to allow it to heal. Take a break?? Like do they even know me? I mean...running and working out is my break! I finally caved in and saw a podiatrist. I explained everything and what was recommended to me by my primary doctor. The podiatrist asked me if I had old shoes...I said of course not and that they were only 1-2 years old! (I'm Dutch...I hate spending money if I don't have to!) He sort of laughed and replie