Trigger warnings


This is a picture of my daughter when she was just three years old at her very first EEG scan. If you are lucky enough to not know what an EEG scan is, here is the google definition: An electroencephalogram is a test that measures electrical activity in the brain using small electrodes attached to the scalp. This test is done to diagnosis any type of brain disorders including but not limited to epilepsy, brain tumors, head injuries, sleep disorders, stroke, and inflammation of the brain.” The tech takes you back to what seems like a comfortable room and then proceeds to attach 50-75 small electrodes and wires to the head. With glue. The tech then wrapped her up, so that she was not able to play with or remove said wires, but she ended up resembling something like ET. The main purpose of this test is to attempt to provoke seizures by using common triggers.such as hyperventilation, flashing lights, and sleep deprivation. As a parent, you are now locked in this room watching someone else intentionally trying to hurt your child. This is a sucker punch to the gut. 


In the same way, Jesus was given the same kind of test. Matthew chapter 4 tells us the story of Jesus tested in the wilderness. It says Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. This was intentional! Except instead of spending 30-45 minutes in the above mentioned locked room, he spent 40 days and 40 nights. The devil came to him at his weakest. He knew the certain triggers that should provoke Jesus. Jesus was hungry, the devil told him to make stones into bread. Jesus was sleep deprived, the devil told him to throw himself off the highest point because surely the angels would rescue him from this wilderness. Jesus was getting weary, the devil told him to bow down and worship him and all the kingdoms would belong to him. Jesus finally proclaimed Beat it Satan! Worship the Lord your God and only Him!” It then says: The test was over, the devil left, and in his place angels came and gave Jesus rest! And then literally 4 verses later it says Jesus began to preach. So one of the worst and lowest points in Jesus’ life ultimately led to the greatest ministry. 


But Satan knows our triggers, doesnt he? He knew Jesus was tired, hungry, lonely, and at his most susceptible to be tempted. He knew he had prime chance to provoke him in the wilderness. And he knows the same for us. It may not physically look like he is waiting at your doorstep, but the bible says he roams around like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. His main purpose is to kill and destroy. The thoughts that haunt you on the daily. Thoughts like Im not good enoughIm never going to get through thisJesus could never love someone like meTheyll never accept meIll never lose the weight so why try.” “Im not smart enough.” “Im a bad parent.” “I messed up too bad.” And many many more. Those are the things that Satan uses to provoke us. Much like the flashing lights in the exam room, those thoughts are constantly flashing at us. Trying to destroy us. But dont let it. Just like my now 7 year old walks around my house every morning declaring Beat it Satan! You have no power over my life today!, I feel led to do the same! Get out of my head, Satan! You dont belong here!” or You have no power over my thoughts today!” 


And just as it physically hurt me to watch my child being intentionally hurt, it hurts our Heavenly father to watch you being hurt in that way. He loves you and He cares about you. My morning reading took me to a verse in Zephaniah - The Lord your God is with you. A mighty warrior who saves. He takes great delight in you. Because He loves you, He will no longer rebuke you but rejoices over you with singing!” Just as Jesus declared once and for all - Beat it Satan!, the angels quickly came to be with him and gave him rest. Do not fear the test, because it could become your greatest testimony. I know that sounds cornytypical Christian lingo. But my now 7 year old is seizure-free and aspiring to be a preacher someday. Or inspirational speaker. She has the power to set a room on fire for Jesus, even a room full of strangers. And I want to be like her. So beat it Satan, you do not belong here.


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