I want to break free


When we first moved into our tri-level house, my initial thoughts were “Awesome! The kids can have one whole entire level as their playroom while I can keep the upstairs clean!” and “There will not be toys scattered all over the house when they have one level specifically called the toy room!” and probably the best one “I will not be bothered at all while trying to make supper now!” And God looked down and laughed and gave us child #3! We had gotten along just fine until she became mobile. So we put up the baby gates on both sets of stairs. In an attempt to keep her confined to one area, she was well aware of all the “treasures” that lay just outside of her little prison….including the toys in the other kids’ bedrooms and most important, the toilet. Yes I said it….if she could grab it and throw it in there without someone seeing, she would be in her glory! You could hear her little baby voice yelling “Flush it” from a level away! Did I mention her middle name should have been Trouble?! She would fit her little toes on the step and try to pull her body up over the gate because she wanted out! 

Last weekend while doing some cleaning, my husband noticed that the baby gates were leaving some considerable damage to the walls. (Don’t let the labels on those things fool you - it will leave a mark!) He took down the gates, patched up the holes, and repainted over it. At that point we decided that we should just take the gates down forever. I mean why not trust an 18-month old with now complete free reign of the whole house?! When she realized the gates were in fact not going back up, she crawled up the first couple steps. Then looked back at me just waiting for the “No No!”, but when it didn’t come she quickly made her way to the top. She was ecstatic! She ran around in circles, unsure what to do first but simply yelling “Upstairs!” She was no longer bound by her Safety-First prison, but she was FREE! 

Acts 16 tells the story of Paul and Silas being imprisoned. While they were in chains, they continued to praise the Lord! There was such a violent earthquake that it shook the prison building on its foundation. The prison doors flew open and everyone’s chains were broken off! They were FREE! While I read this story, I felt a tug at my heart reminding me of the baby gate situation but also questioning what my gates look like. What prison am I in? What chains are binding me? Maybe it’s the constant worry that comes with raising kids in today’s world. Or maybe it’s the weight of others’ opinions. Or maybe it’s the depression and anxiety that like to invite themselves in at 3 AM. Or the Sunday scaries except every single day of the week. What is it for you? Past guilt and shame, rejection, feeling unworthy, feeling stuck in life, hopelessness, broken relationships, the list could go on and on. Trust me I’ve probably felt all of these at some point too. 

But wait, there’s more! There’s so much more on the other side of the gates, friends! Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! He came to set the captives free! Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Hell lost another one, I AM FREE! He not only wants to open the gates for you, He wants those doors to fly open with an earthquake! (Figuratively speaking). Are you trusting Him to break down those walls? Or is it easier for you to stay in the prison? Because He is waiting on the other side and all you have to do is ask. Knock and the door shall be opened. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been stuck in my own little prison for far too long and those doors need to go! As Queen sings: God knows, God knows I want to break free! Even though I am completely unworthy of having free rein of my whole house, He busted down those gates. I am essentially my toddler who stands at the top of the steps beaming from ear to ear and running around in circles. And so are you! Where there is freedom, there is joy and it is being offered to you today. I pray that you’re gates will be busted down and you can enjoy true freedom also.


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