Who loves Oscar?!


We have been well out of the Sesame Street phase for a good couple years now. But child #3 is quickly falling in love with the show. Whats not to love? The music, the morals, and all the cute little characters are enough to make me want to watch it again! In my previous posts, Ive mentioned how downright difficult my third child has been and this was clearly defined on a recent Walmart trip. While meandering down the toy aisle (I know we are playing with fire here), Kendall spotted a furry friend she just had to have. I picked it up and gave it to her which was immediately received with a bear hug and a big awe. Like a friend you have not seen in years just unexpectedly showed up at Walmart. Like a brother from another mister. Like a long-lost twin separated at birth. This familiar friend was none other than Oscar the Grouch. Not Elmo, not Bert or Ernie, not cookie monster, but literally the most unfriendly friend on the Street. It suited her personality to a tee. But Im stuck thinking on it.


I mean, we all love Elmo. Everybody loves Elmo. Elmo even loves Elmo. So much so that he refers to himself in the third person. Which is equal parts disturbing and annoying. Elmo lives in his own high-rise apartment and even has his own segment on the show. What does Oscar have? A garbage can and a pet worm..who loves Oscar? Maybe life just dealt him some really bad cards and thats why hes always so grouchy. Maybe his circumstances put him in the trash can. Maybe youre like me and wondering why some people are living the high life in the penthouse and Im stuck in the trash. Literally. Or maybe youre just living day to day in the normal messy chaos youve gotten used to. Wondering who is there to love you through it?


You know who else loved the unlovable? Jesus. He surrounded himself with the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the lepers, the deaf and blind, the socially unacceptable. The sinners. The losers. The grouches. John 4 describes the meeting between Jesus and the woman at the well. The woman asked Him why He would ask anything of her because Jews did NOT associate with Samaritans. But He knew her on a deeper level. He knew her past and yet He loved her anyway. Or John 8 when the pharisees brought in a woman accused of adultery (which the sentence should have been stoned to death), and He said her I do not condemn you, go and sin no more! You are free!” He sees us in our mess and yet chooses to love us anyway. See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God, and that is what we are!” He loves you so much that He considers you His. Its like my toddler declaring her undying love for her stuffed friend. Love ya Oskie” - she announces randomly throughout the day. And thats how Jesus sees you and I. He doesnt say I will love you when you get to that penthouse, He says I see you in your trash can and choose to love you where you are at. Like the words of Shania Twain: Even when Im ugly, he still better love me. And He does. When youre at your worst, He loves you. And when youre at your best, He loves you. He loves you, He loves you, He loves you. 


Get up out of your grave (or trash can) and find joy in the love He has for you. And in return, love the difficult people in your life. They might just need a little extra love. In the famous words of Oscar - Just because youre trash, doesnt mean you cant do great things! 

You are so loved!


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