Do axolotls go to Heaven?


My 7-year-old daughter is currently obsessed with axolotls. If you do not know what this is, please see attached picture. That is the G-rated version. If youre feeling ambitious, search google images for pictures of axolotls. These will forever scar your mind. It will haunt you in the middle of the night, give you the eebie jeebies, and make you feel like its crawling all over you. It will make you think its going to come out of the shower head at any given moment while taking a shower. Anyone else or is it just me?! These creatures are so ugly, it is the face only a mother can loveand Im not even sure that is the case. The mother lays the eggs and then leaves. Bye Felicia! Did you know that if an axolotl injures or loses a limb, they have the capability of growing it back? Its like that creepy lizard villain in the spider-man moviejust why God, why?!?!


Did you also know that on average, children ask between 200-300 questions a day? And if were talking about my 7-year old, chances are she asks about 1,000 questions a day. Coincidentally, the majority of these questions magically appear around bedtime! However on this particular occasion, we were at Build-A-Bear. All this child wanted for her birthday was my arch enemy - an axolotl. Thank God Build-A-Bear offered none other than stuffed axolotls! Praise Jesus her prayer was answered! Not in the way she wanted it too, but sometimes God answers prayers in different ways! Can I get an Amen?! Anyways, she very randomly blurted out in front of strangers: Mom, do axolotls go to Heaven?” Under my breath I whispered, oh Lord I hope not..but I mustered up the bravery to declare Yes sweet child, Im sure there is a special place in Heaven for all the axolotls.” And then it got me thinkingdo they go to Heaven? If I dont care to see a real one on earth, do I have to witness it in Heaven? 


All joking aside, the bible mentions many times about animals. My daily reading comes from Psalm 36:6 - You, Lord preserve both people and animals.” From the very beginning, God created all birds in the air and creatures of the sea. To the very end of the bible in Revelation, the Heavens opened and behold a white horse! Clearly God loves all creatures big and small. One of my favorite core childhood memories is listening to my grandmother hum and sing along to His Eye Is On The Sparrow. I even played this song at her funeral. It is one of my favorite hymns that is based on Matthew 10:29 - Are not two sparrows sold for a coin? Yet not one of them falls without your Fathers knowledge. Even all the hairs on your head are counted. So do not be afraid - you are worth more than many sparrows!” If God can love a creature as simple and lowly as a sparrow, He surely must love me.


If God has x-ray vision, which Im sure He does, He would probably see me the same way I see axolotls - ugly. My heart contains contents that God detests - bitterness, pride, selfishnessjust to name a few. My heart is as messy as the current state of my kitchen sink. Considering this, I am no better than that hideous creature of the dark - the axolotl. And yet He truly loves me anyway. He restores me, cleans me, and tells me I am His. Regardless of the current appearance of my heart. And how thankful I should be for that! He sees me in my lowest points and yet says You are loved, valued, and worth far more than rubies! And you are beautiful! Thank you Jesus! 


And as to if axolotls go to Heaven or not - I guess we shall find out when we get there. But if they are there, they can all go to Kinleys room!


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