Change your shoes!

 This year I've decided on a few New Years resolutions, one of which is to run a marathon. Or a half marathon. Or a 10K. Or at this rate, make it around the block. I got into running during the beginning of covid and fell in love with it. However a recent injury caused a setback. About three months ago, I noticed sharp pains in my foot and toe. So much so that it was impossible to continue my running. I went to two different doctors and had x-rays taken which showed nothing. They passed it off as being a contusion from too much exercise and I needed to take a break to allow it to heal. Take a break?? Like do they even know me? I mean...running and working out is my break! I finally caved in and saw a podiatrist. I explained everything and what was recommended to me by my primary doctor. The podiatrist asked me if I had old shoes...I said of course not and that they were only 1-2 years old! (I'm Dutch...I hate spending money if I don't have to!) He sort of laughed and replied "That's your problem. Get new shoes." 

How can that kind of problem be solved with such a simple solution? I was slightly embarrassed but also relieved! So it wasn't an infection or a tumor (like Google suggested), but I just had to get rid of my shoes! I was eager to go home and tell my husband that my doctor had prescribed me with some Amazon shopping for new running shoes! (He did not think this was as exciting as I did). 

Another New Years resolution has been to read through the entire bible again. So the next morning, I poured some coffee and opened up the good book into....Numbers. Great...because reading countless names that I can't even pronounce and laws about sacrificing animals should really give me a great start to my day. Thanks God (hope He doesn't pick up on my sarcasm). However I read and reread and highlighted and reflected on this passage for quite a while. Numbers 33 - The Israelites are entering Canaan and the Lord is commanding them what to do upon arrival. When they cross the Jordan into Canaan, they should drive out all the inhabitants of the land and destroy all idols. Here's the kicker - verse 55: "But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, Those that you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in you flesh. They will cause you trouble." Those that you allow to remain. Allow to remain. 

What are you allowing to remain? For me, it was that dumb toe injury that I spent three months worrying over and stressing about. But it goes much deeper than that. That was an easy fix, once I was aware of it. What things are you carrying with you that are secretly causing you pain? Was it something someone said or did to you as a child? Is it something that someone said to you last week? Is it unforgiveness towards a loved one? Is it feelings of inadequacy? Feelings of hurt or shame? Rejection? Unworthiness? Guilt? Fear? Anxiety? Depression? Addiction? What is it for you? What is "your shoes"?

As a child (and still as an adult), I loved Mr. Rogers. I can remember watching old episodes on PBS all the time. I don't think anyone could ever forget how every single show started with him entering his TV house, changing his jacket, and his shoes. Even though he was taking off his "outside" or "work" shoes and changing into his "house" shoes, I feel like there might be a deeper meaning somewhere here. By leaving the dirty outside shoes in the closet, he felt more at peace by putting on his comfortable home shoes. 

And that's what Jesus calls us to do too. Leave our dirt and filth at the door. Leave our pain and put on comfort. Lay your burdens down. He was the one who knelt at the feet of sinners and the looked down upon and washed their feet. And that's what He wants to do for you and I. That heavy thing that's really deep down hurting you - go to Him about it. You've been carrying it for so long it almost feels "normal" by now. But it's not....He's the ultimate healer. And like Mr. Rogers - He loves you for being you, just the way you are. So once you become aware of whatever is or has been causing you pain - do not allow it remain any longer. Get rid of it. Lay it down. Drop it. Leave it at the door. Send it on a one way ticket to Tim Buck Two...okay you get the picture now. You were never meant to hold onto it that long. There's a better story coming for you.

So I did change my running shoes and progress is slow. Healing takes time. Give yourself grace. And rest in the arms of the One who can change your story. You've been wearing the same dirty old used shoes for far too long! It's time to just change your shoes. 


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