Meal-time Madness


One of my favorite childhood memories was Sunday night supper at Grandma’s house. Almost every Sunday night, the whole family (around 20 of us) would gather at my grandmother’s little apartment for her favorite recipes on display. It was a time of fun and fellowship and no matter what walk of life you were in, you were welcomed at her table. After her passing several years ago, the tradition continues at my mother’s house. My kids enjoy playing with their cousins and we all enjoy a good time of simply being together.

These days, gathering around my family table is anything but fun sometimes. We’re in the midst of the table manners crisis. The kids fight over who sits next to who, what we’re eating or drinking, who says the prayer, what the other kid is doing, and previous events of the day. What is supposed to be a time of family bonding quickly turns into a war zone. The baby starts screaming, one kid is whining and refusing to eat the meal, the other kid just simply can’t sit still, a glass of milk is spilled, I forgot the napkins, someone wants a spoon instead of a fork, where’s the salt and pepper, and why do you need ketchup for spaghetti??? Stop feeding the dog, stop looking at your brother, don’t pick your nose, we’ve heard the chorus of “Come on Eileen” eighty million times, and you are definitely not getting a snack until your plate is clean! Most nights, I either eat my meal cold or after the kids go to bed. Some nights why even bother at all, and let’s just have cereal again! Does this scene play out in your home or is it just us? Meal times are a trigger point and let’s not even talk about going out to eat…where all this drama unfolds in front of lucky random strangers!

A few nights ago, I was telling my kids about my fond Sunday nightsupper memories with my grandma. The conversation turned into who we would want to have a meal with when we first go to Heaven. My son yells out “Blippi!”, my daughter declares “Princess Ariel from the little mermaid” (not sure that counts), and I just say Jesus…and my grandma. It was a very rare but special moment at the table. When we imagine happy and peaceful fellowship with a loved one some day.

I was struck by reading the story of the last supper in Luke 22. Jesus was enjoying His last meal with his best friends, his disciples. It says in verses 24-27 that a dispute began among the disciples over which one of them were the greatest. (Sorry, my momma’s heart just has to laugh at this). This sounds just like one of our family suppers…”I’m the best” “No I’m the best!”
Jesus answered them: For who is greater? The one who is at the table or the One who serves? The greatest among you is the one who serves. For I am among you as One who serves. And I confer on you a kingdom so that you may eat and drink at My table.

Often times I get so weary and frustrated with this meal time madness that I forget the importance of being the servant. My children can either point me closer to Christ or farther away from Christ and the direction is in my own hands. Jesus came to serve the least of us…including me. And my children. My kids act like little jerks every meal time and yet they will always be invited to eat at my table. Just like my actions and attitude are disgusting and unworthy, and yet I am still welcomed at His table. I remember the time we caved in and bought a brand new kitchen table. Literally not even 24 hours after we had it home, one of those little jerks took a permanent marker to it. I went frantic googling how to remove it. I got angry at my kid when it was really my fault for not paying close enough attention. My attitude downright sucked. Thank God and Dr. Google that it came out with a secret formula! Just as I removed that ugly stain from my brand new table, there is One who can remove all your stains, sins, regrets, guilt, shame, and any other pain that you think is permanent. You are welcomed at His table just as you are.

Someday we cannot wait to get to Heaven and enjoy our meal (and/or coffee times) with Jesus, Blippi, the little mermaid and Grandma Cella! But until then I will keep serving my children at our earthly table and love every minute of it! Or try to!


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