In the Middle of The Night


It's been quite a while since I've logged back on here. My apologies - we've just been in a season of busyness and chaos; dealing with home remodels, back to school, toddler chaos, and morning sickness. They say each season of parenting comes with its own struggles and this season is no different or easier than the last. Within the last month, we've been dealing with the night time scaries. When you're a new parent, you usually hear that babies sleep through the night before they turn one. But let me tell you - my kids are five and three and ain't nobody sleeping through the night here! Since we moved in to our new house, we've dealt with fear of the new rooms, bad dreams, night terrors, separation anxiety, injuries, a trip to the ER, more toddler sickness, and a partridge in a pear tree! 

I was recently talking with my husband reminiscing about the good old days: where we could go to bed whenever we wanted because we weren't completely drained from the day, get a glorious 8+ hours of sleep, wake up with the sunrise and the birds chirping and all was well with the world! That seems like a very distant foggy memory now and maybe a dream come true for the future. When we had our firstborn, the nights were the worst. My husband worked third shift at the time leaving me home alone with a newborn. She was and still is a very bad sleeper. There were nights where she'd wake up for a midnight feeding but then want to stay up and party until 3 or 4 in the morning. I can remember thinking "If I can only make it until 6:00, I'll be ok". Because for some reason, 6:00 seemed like a time the rest of the world would be waking up and I wouldn't be alone.

Recently, my three year old son was sick (again...I swear that kid catches everything). It was another night of no sleep for him or I. He was scared, alone, and just wanted comfort. I've slept on his floor, in his bed, on the bunk bed in the camper, and stood over his crib rubbing his back for hours before. This time was no different. As I lay next to him in his little bed, he took his hot feverish hands and placed them on my face. With a raspy little voice, he whispered "Thank you momma". If that doesn't melt a momma's heart...

I find myself both feeling sorry for him and understanding him. In many times, I've felt alone and scared. All I've wanted was to feel comforted. After dealing with the sleep deprivation lately, I have noticed that I do my best praying at 3 in the morning. When the rest of the world is sleeping and I'm truly alone, there is always someone who is ready and available. Psalm 91says "You will neither fear the terror of night nor the arrows of the day, for He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." And in Proverbs 3:24: "When you lie down, you will not be afraid". 

Soon we will have three kids. That's three different sets of worries and fears for my momma's heart. That's a lot of anxiety to be running through your mind in the middle of the night when you can't sleep. Trust me, I've already done my fair share! But if I simply give my worries and fears to Jesus, He will grant peace. When my kids are sick or feeling scared overnight, all they have to do is call for me or my husband and they trust that we'll be there. Why can't I do the same? If I'm starting to feel those night time scaries, all I need to do is call for my heavenly Father to meet me where I'm at. And I know that He will. No matter what season you're going through, we can trust that He understands. You will be comforted. And with my small seemingly ordinary life, I can lift my tired hands and say "Thank you Jesus".

Here's to hoping and praying for peaceful nights ahead! 


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