Filling the Cracks


My children and I played a new game today. It's called "Who can pull the weed with the biggest roots?" Mom hack. You're welcome. When we first thought about putting an offer in on our current house, it was the dead of winter...with several feet of snow covering the backyard. I was persistent in explaining to my husband "But wait until you see the backyard!" The feet of snow covered a beautiful tri-level patio area - perfect for summer barbeques, kids playdates, early morning coffee, or after-the-kids-go-to-bed quiet time with my hubby. As beautiful as it is, it gives me one pet peeve - the weeds. They spring up from the cemented blocks like an uninvited dinner party guest. Not only are they infiltrating the patio, they are determined to take over the playground and my front yard also. How dare they! Today I've decided I've had enough. I got out my weed killer spray and got to work..."Say hello to my little friend!" (I may have actually used that Scarface accent). 

Four hours later, and a sunburn, we got most of the yard taken care of. Those little pests have met their match! The hard thing about weed pulling is to make sure you yank it out with the roots...otherwise it will always come back. I was trying to explain to my slaving children that this is much like getting rid of the sin infiltrating our hearts. If you don't attack it to it's core, it will always find a way to sneak back in. And it's painful. Getting rid of something that has taken up residence in your heart will always be painful. How easy it is to let things take up space in our hearts that don't belong there. A lie here and there, power and pride, the love of money, selfishness, envy and jealousy, bitterness, anger, resentment, unresolved past issues - these are all heavy sinful roots that easily entangle. And I think about how easily all the things accumulated together can distract us from all the beautiful things that should be in our hearts. The fully rooted and fully blooming weeds completely ruin the beauty of this life that Jesus died to give us. And that's still a lesson that I'm learning. 

Numbers 33:55 says "If you do not drive out all the inhabitants, those that you let remain will become a barb in your eye and a thorn in your flesh - they will give you trouble in the land you are living." Those things that you let remain...those weeds that you let grow, they are a thorn in your flesh. That selfishness and bitterness I sometimes carry around, it is my thorn. And I am not able to uproot it on my own. I will always need a savior, my own higher power weed killer - if you may. 

The day ended with a beautiful restored landscaping, just the way it was created for. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of living with the weeds. I want sunshine, big hugs, the after-the-rain smells, blossoming flowers, fresh coffee in the morning, fancy dinners, and pizza-and-a-movie nights with my family. All beautiful things that Jesus created. I want love and peace and goodness and patience and kindness and inexplainable joy. Also things created for us. So my question is - what are you allowing to fill the cracks? 

You're more than welcome to visit our little backyard oasis. I'll put on a pot of coffee or some freshly made lemonade! Just don't mind the weeds. They're a work in progress. Just like me.


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