Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood



My son is now two and a half and is brilliant, athletic, caring, and funny. He's a perfect fit in our family. However he has struggled with speech since he was about 18 months old. It started with unbearable ear infections, one every two to three weeks to be exact. It was a rough winter - full of all-nighters, antibiotics, and fear of when the next one would hit. Luckily we were able to have tubes put in just before the pandemic started. While the tubes have helped tremendously, his speech took a significant hit. Up until he was two years old, everything was just pointing and grunting. The tool man grunt was cute for a while...until it became a concern. He's currently in virtual speech therapy and has come a long way, but is still delayed compared to other kids his age. It's still hard to understand him and my heart goes out for him. He gets frustrated, angry, and melts down when nobody gets what he's trying to say.

A few days ago, our Amazon Echo was playing music in our living room. He went over to it and started yelling at it, "Alexa Off!" - he muttered. It turned off! It understood what he was saying to it! He was so excited and proud of himself, he ran over to me and proudly exclaimed "Me do it!". My momma's heart just about leaped out of my chest. For most people, they would be like who cares?! But to watch someone struggle over and over again, and finally see them win - it was the best part of my week.

And sometimes we all feel that way, don't we? We long to be understood. We want to feel like somebody else out there knows what we're going through. When it seems like your struggle is all encompassing and you're never going to find a way out of it, you want somebody to get it. There's a story in Mark 7 where Jesus heals a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment. He was considered a nobody, an outcast. His struggle had been real his whole life. Jesus stopped what he was doing to be compassionate to this man. He touched his ears and his mouth, saying "Ephphatha" (Be opened). The man's ears were opened and he spoke plainly. Everyone who witnessed this proclaimed "He has done great things, He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak"! I can only imagine this man's joy when his whole life had changed. His struggle was overcome because somebody understood him! I can bet his joy was equivalent to or much greater than my son's joy when he spoke to Alexa. 

So when you're lying awake at night and feeling misunderstood, there is somebody who understands. When you're so filled with shame and guilt, there is someone who can take that away. When you don't see a way out, there is someone who can help you. While my son has come a long way, there is still a ways to go. While we pray for the "Ephphatha", we wait in hope and trust that our savior heals all and restores all. And we celebrate every small victory along the way! Even when the deaf man was considered an outcast, Jesus was there for him and understood his pain. And He remains the same for you and I. Sending love to you all!


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