Into The Unknown!



If you're a toddler mom, like myself, you've probably seen both Frozen movies at least a dozen times. You can easily recite lines and sing along to every word of every song. My daughter owns at least three themed dresses and on occasion, gives us an entire recap of each movie in song and dance form. One of her favorite songs, and mine as well, is the song "Into the Unknown". There's some sort of magical spirit that calls Elsa to seek out more adventures and her heritage. Right before we belt out the chorus, we sing the words "I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you."

Last summer, I took my kids to the little amusement park in Fond Du Lac. My daughter, who is completely fearless by the way, insisted on going on the little mini roller coaster. I hesitantly agreed knowing it might be too scary for her. She got right on, buckled up, and gripped the handles for dear life. The ride started and fear was written all over her face. While I was thinking she might start crying or want off, the fear quickly turned to laughter and excitement. By the end of the ride, she was ready to do it all again.

Life can be like that sometimes. I sit here typing all this in the middle of a mess of boxes and piles to pack. It's amazing how much stuff we collected in six years of life and with two children. It seems like we've been in a series of major life changing decisions lately. Big decisions that involve our careers, children, and packing up our whole married lives and moving to a new town. These decisions, while completely God-ordained, have not been made easily. When God speaks to you, you just know. And while we trust in God's direction, it's also terrifying at the same time. These twists and turns involve just about every emotion I've ever experienced all at the same time. I very often feel like Peter on the boat in the storm. Jesus literally walked on water in front of him and called out to him. Peter made the decision to follow, but was quickly swallowed up by fear and doubts. He was sinking because of his own fear. But Jesus grabbed him by the arm and asked "Why did you doubt me?" When I continue to doubt and fear the unknown of our future, I will continue to sink. Sink into depression, anxiety, doubts, and insecurities. But if I keep my eyes on Jesus, I will rise above these emotions and focus on what lies ahead. When He calls you to do something, focus on all the greatness He has in store for you. Worship Him along the way. 

Much like my daughter's roller coaster experience, I'm jumping in and holding on tight. What started out as fear can very well turn into the best thing that's ever happened to us. If I keep following His guidance, the risks we are taking will turn into victory. So if you're stuck in the unknowns like us, keep your head up, listen to His guidance, hold on tight, and get ready for the greatest adventures yet to come.


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