Just Another Manic Monday



Hello friends. Me here again. The kids are in bed and the house is quiet (my most favorite time of the day!). I thought the demands of life were rough when we had a newborn in the house, but as the kids are going through the toddler stage - I'm quickly learning that the exhaustion is real no matter what stage of life we are in. The two's are terrible, the threenagers are sassy, and don't get me started on the fours. But as I sit here reminiscing on the struggles, the below-the-surface struggles are rearing their ugly heads again. I'm quickly reminding how much I'm personally struggling, how much I've failed as a mom, a wife, a worker, a friend, etc. It's easy to let these fears attack us. Most of the time, our deepest struggles go unseen and unnoticed.

This morning like many other mornings before, it was a mad rush to get out the door. It was a fight to get the right outfits on and a fight to comb hair. The vehicle was loaded and running, and I had 0.5 seconds to get each kid ready to go! I got my son's shoes and coat out and tried to help him put in on. "No I do it!" he insisted in his defiance. He's two...he wants to do everything on his own. Without my help. Have you ever watched a two year old attempt to dress themselves at all...only to end up in tears and frustration? Been there!

We rush to the sitter's (AKA Grandma!) and more tantrums and meltdowns arrive! My kid is now literally crying over a cup of spilled milk. My other kid is crying because I wouldn't let her wear her preferred outfit. My work day hasn't even started yet and I want this day to be over! I get my daughter back in the vehicle and off to school we go! We park just as the song "Truth be told" by Matthew West comes on. I unstrap her car seat and she grabs onto me and just gives me the longest hug. She lets out a little sigh and says "I love you momma, and Jesus loves you, and He knows you're trying your hardest". Hello waterworks. And now I'm ugly crying in the grade school parking lot as other moms are driving by. 

But she's absolutely correct. Even when you feel like everything you're doing is going unseen, He sees. Even when you feel like you're trying to keep dozens of plates spinning at the same time, He knows. Even when you snap at your kids on a Monday morning, He offers grace. 1 John 4:4 says "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He that is in You is greater than He that is in the world." The world will give you this mentality that nothing you do will ever measure up. That you are worthless. That you don't matter. But like my four year old knows, Jesus loves you just the way you are. You are seen and fully known. Psalm 100:3 - "Know that the Lord is God, He made us and we are His." And that is truly our highest calling. If we attempt to do our life on our own, like my two year old, it will end up in frustration and regret. But when we ask Him for help, He will come to our rescue. How many times have I thought I could handle everything only to end up feeling burned out? The truth is I cannot handle everything and neither can you. But only He is able to carry our burdens. Trust in Him to get you through another day. It may be a Monday but Friday is coming! 


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