Don't Have A Cow



This morning, like many times before in the past year, I've woken up wondering what kind of world my children have to grow up in. To say I'm sadden by the events of our country recently is an understatement. While I do not wish to make this a political thing, my heart breaks watching our country in turmoil. And maybe the events of your own personal life are leaving you feeling the same thing. 

My son is now two and is big into farms, tractors, and all things related to it. A couple weeks ago, we went to a small tractor toy store in the area and he was in heaven! It was a meltdown getting him to leave...if you've never had the experience of carrying a toddler surf-board style out of a business, you're missing out! Before we left, we let him pick out a small toy. He picked out a small white cow to add to his farm collection. It's just a little plastic cow with really not much appeal, if you ask me. The car ride home was spent making moo sounds and pretending that the cow was running through our truck. It brought me joy to see him so content with such a minuscule thing. Fast forward to later that evening when it came time for bed time. He insisted on taking the cow to bed with him. However, five minutes later he cried because it was uncomfortable. In his words "cow out!"Sometimes the things we think will bring us the most comfort often cause the most pain. 

Ok so I get that the cow story is extremely minimal compared to what's going on in the world today....or even in your own home. I think the question we truly need to be asking ourselves is what are we looking to for comfort? Maybe you're in a tough place in life right now and need something better - a better job, a better spouse, a better financial situation, a better house, a better political leader. But these are all minuscule things also especially when you compare it to the bigger picture. These things will all fade, the glitter will stop shining, and something better will be in your mind. But when we look to the Creator, His comfort brings about peace that passes understanding. There's always going to be trouble in this life, that is guaranteed. But we have hope that our Savior offers us comfort in better ways that we do not understand. I just read in Isaiah 66:13 - As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you. I would love nothing more in this world then to be able to wipe every tear away from my hurting children and make things right for them. And that's the same comfort that my heavenly Father is offering you and I. Instead of looking to things, people, or ideas to bring us contentment, let's turn our eyes to Jesus and look full in His wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his Glory and Grace. He loves you and wants nothing more than to comfort you today!


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