I would walk 500 miles

 It's been a long week...I think to myself on a Monday at 6:30 at night. It's been a couple of rough weeks here. I'm talking about the kids bedtime battles, waking up several times overnight, and then proceeding to wake up long before the crack of dawn. It's all exhausting. Add that to the every day stresses of work, school, errands, Covid concerns, and finding some time for your marriage in between it all. It's a never ending hamster wheel and I'm wondering when I can get off?

This last Sunday morning, I was running on the treadmill when my four year old daughter insisted on joining me. Lately, her sass and attitude has only contributed to the parenting fatigue so I am willing to take any sweet moments she will hand out! When I agreed to it, she quickly ran and put on her tennis shoes and hopped on with me. Obviously I couldn't run at my full speed, so I slowed it way down to a nice little walking speed for her. She held onto the handles and her little feet kept up the whole time. I just walked right behind her to make sure she didn't hurt herself. With the biggest smile on her face, she kept making comments like "I'm super strong like you momma" and "Thank you so much for walking with me". I often mention "God moments" in my blogs, and I'm telling you guys that this was one of them. The image has stuck in my mind.

What I so easily forget is that there is someone else on this walk called life with me.  Just as I stayed behind my daughter and kept her safe, God walks along side me. Even when I don't see or feel Him there, I am assured that He is. Psalm 56:13 says "For you have delivered my soul from death, my feet from falling that I may walk before God." If my daughter had accidentally tripped, I would've reached out and grabbed her by the hand. If I trip or fall, God is always there holding out His hand to rescue me. Jude 1 says that He is able to keep us from stumbling and will present us as blameless in the presence of His glory. What an awesome feeling! 

I'm saying that this road of life may seem rough, unfair, and strenuous at times. If you're like me, you may be wondering when the diapers, tantrums, all-nighters, terrible twos, teething, etc. will ever be in the rear view mirror. But even in the rough spots, God is here. Sometimes it may feel like we are hanging onto the handles of the treadmill, just trying to survive. But God is right behind us, protecting us and letting us feel His presence. The old hymn that my grandmother used to sing to me has never rung so true - He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. Friends let us rest in that truth alone. He does walk with us, we just need to trust in that. You are not alone.


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