Under Attack

Here we are on what feels like day #300 of quarantine. It still seems so surreal, like this should be something only seen in movies. The days and weeks that have passed have been met with rounds of different emotions, both felt separately and somehow at the same time. I'm talking about fear, anxiety, loneliness, gratitude, and encouragement all come about like waves on the shore...each on their own time and changing in seconds.

This morning as I read from Nehemiah, his story has felt quite similar to what we're dealing with today. Nehemiah felt in his heart that he needed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls that the people had wickedly destroyed. He had several helpers and each was assigned their own task along the way. This was no easy feat and the people were soon wore out, "The strength of the laborers was giving out." They were met with opposition all around them, the enemy was determined to attack on every side, "wherever we turn they will attack us." The fear that surrounded them was overwhelming. In their heart, they knew they were serving God by doing the right thing but all around them was the enemy. If you read further, the people were spread out along the wall each with their own jobs. They were quite a distance apart, possibly not even knowing where the next person was located - "We are widely separated from each other but our God will fight for us". I can only imagine the amount of fear here, knowing the enemy is surrounding you on all sides while you are all alone. Nehemiah encouraged the people by saying "Don't be afraid! Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight for your brothers, sons, daughters, wives, and homes". What a powerful reminder! That pep talk alone sparks a fire in your heart to fight harder.

The wall was rebuilt after 52 days. 52 days of fighting alone. 52 days of determined to do what is right even though you feel the enemy around you. 52 days of not seeing your friends, family, or members of your team. But it says that the enemies became afraid and lost their self confidence because they had realized this had all been done by the help of God.

I think today is day #41 of the quarantine. I greatly miss my family, friends, church, and community. The enemy is real...in the form of the above mentioned emotions. The anxiety, loneliness, fear, and anger can all attack at once. The darkness and depression can haunt you like a never-ending dark cloud. I was feeling those a lot this week. At one point, my 18-month old was throwing a tantrum - he was angry and possibly scared that no one understood him. I'm trying to hold out my stronger will, simply by ignoring it and letting him come to me when he's ready. In that moment, I felt God's love surround my heart. It was like He was saying you can be angry and throw your adult-type tantrum but I will be here waiting with arms open wide when your ready to run to Me. It was so powerful and something I won't soon forget. So when these dark feelings and enemies come about, who are you choosing to run to? The enemy roars around like a lion seeking whom to devour. Don't be discouraged and cave in. Fight as if you know God is great and awesome! Hang in there friends, we can overcome this!


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