
Showing posts from June, 2021

Erase it and try again!

 When I was expecting my first child, we had high expectations of what she would turn out to be in her life...a doctor, a lawyer, a professional athlete perhaps?! Wishful thinking, right? About two years later at a doctor appointment, she boldly proclaimed she wanted to be in the medical profession some day but then proceeded to lick the wall because she wanted to know what the color beige tasted like. Clearly she ain't getting into med school any time soon. As embarrassing as that little story was, it set the way for the rest of my motherhood journey. Sometimes our expectations become too much and the weight we put on our children is a little overbearing. The wall licker is now almost five and repeating her 4K grade. Yup I admitted it, I am that parent. When the school year starts and everyone will be like "Wasn't she in 4K last year?" and I'll be like "Yes but sometimes we all need a second chance". Okay maybe the conversation won't go like that an

Filling the Cracks

  My children and I played a new game today. It's called "Who can pull the weed with the biggest roots?" Mom hack. You're welcome. When we first thought about putting an offer in on our current house, it was the dead of winter...with several feet of snow covering the backyard. I was persistent in explaining to my husband "But wait until you see the backyard!" The feet of snow covered a beautiful tri-level patio area - perfect for summer barbeques, kids playdates, early morning coffee, or after-the-kids-go-to-bed quiet time with my hubby. As beautiful as it is, it gives me one pet peeve - the weeds. They spring up from the cemented blocks like an uninvited dinner party guest. Not only are they infiltrating the patio, they are determined to take over the playground and my front yard also. How dare they! Today I've decided I've had enough. I got out my weed killer spray and got to work..."Say hello to my little friend!" (I may have actually us

Let Them Be Little

 I love my kids. Man do I ever love my kids. They are like little pieces of me and my husband so perfectly put together, the sum of our best traits. I just love them. Except when I don't. And I don't mean my motherly love is only conditional, I mean there are times when I don't really like them. Like they are being little jerks. Like the sum of our negative qualities equally put together and it explodes in a volcano of some sorts on any given day. A meltdown here, a tantrum there, a whine and cry thrown in the middle. Every day is like the famous quote from Forrest Gump - Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get. This season of life is exhausting. And overwhelming. And all encompassing. And like you don't ever get a break. And it's in this season where I'm finding myself in more and more need of a savior. My daughter, who will be five next month, is my little evangelist. She just has such a pure heart for Jesus and she li