
Showing posts from March, 2023

The defining moments

 It's been three years now since Covid overtook the world. It's also been three years since my son was referred to speech therapy. He's now four and a half so we have been struggling with this almost his whole life. He began the birth-three program through the county when he was roughly 18 months old and barely speaking four words consistently. However with Covid, everything was virtual and for a toddler that young, it was pretty much a joke. Fast forward to today, and he is still in speech therapy through the school district and making big improvements. It is still a struggle though and he still has a ways to go. While I dream of the day he graduates the program, my momma heart still hurts for him. He is young and innocent and believes that there is nothing different about him. Even if kids make fun of him, he doesn't realize it. Bless his little heart because mine would be shattered. Some weeks we take five giant steps forward and some we take three steps back. Someti

Change your shoes!

 This year I've decided on a few New Years resolutions, one of which is to run a marathon. Or a half marathon. Or a 10K. Or at this rate, make it around the block. I got into running during the beginning of covid and fell in love with it. However a recent injury caused a setback. About three months ago, I noticed sharp pains in my foot and toe. So much so that it was impossible to continue my running. I went to two different doctors and had x-rays taken which showed nothing. They passed it off as being a contusion from too much exercise and I needed to take a break to allow it to heal. Take a break?? Like do they even know me? I mean...running and working out is my break! I finally caved in and saw a podiatrist. I explained everything and what was recommended to me by my primary doctor. The podiatrist asked me if I had old shoes...I said of course not and that they were only 1-2 years old! (I'm Dutch...I hate spending money if I don't have to!) He sort of laughed and replie