
Showing posts from July, 2022

Meal-time Madness

  One of my favorite childhood memories was  Sunday night  supper at Grandma’s house. Almost every  Sunday night , the whole family (around 20 of us) would gather at my grandmother’s little apartment for her favorite recipes on display. It was a time of fun and fellowship and no matter what walk of life you were in, you were welcomed at her table. After her passing several years ago, the tradition continues at my mother’s house. My kids enjoy playing with their cousins and we all enjoy a good time of simply being together. These days, gathering around my family table is anything but fun sometimes. We’re in the midst of the table manners crisis. The kids fight over who sits next to who, what we’re eating or drinking, who says the prayer, what the other kid is doing, and previous events of the day. What is supposed to be a time of family bonding quickly turns into a war zone. The baby starts screaming, one kid is whining and refusing to eat the meal, the other kid just simply can’t sit s

Welcome to the circus!

  It ’ s now been a little over three months since we ’ ve became a family of five. These days my hands are quite full, literally. I often feel like the scene in the movie  “ Dodgeball ”  where the guy in the wheelchair says  “ If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball ” ! I find myself running ragged from one thing to the next on my long mental list of today ’ s to do items. Feed the kids, feed the baby, did I feed myself? Dress the kids, dress the baby, are these the same clothes I wore yesterday?! Oh look at this mess in the kid ’ s rooms. Who got toothpaste all over the bathroom sink? Why is there mud on the wall? Who left their undies behind the door? The sink is full again, must have forgotten to start the dishwasher. The laundry hamper is full already? Didn ’ t I just do that yesterday? Why do you need another snack? You just ate three waffles, five strawberries, a half banana, and juice like ten minutes ago! Stop teasing your brother, stop teasing the dog, and just stop.