
Showing posts from January, 2021

Just Another Manic Monday

    Hello friends. Me here again. The kids are in bed and the house is quiet (my most favorite time of the day!). I thought the demands of life were rough when we had a newborn in the house, but as the kids are going through the toddler stage - I'm quickly learning that the exhaustion is real no matter what stage of life we are in. The two's are terrible, the threenagers are sassy, and don't get me started on the fours. But as I sit here reminiscing on the struggles, the below-the-surface struggles are rearing their ugly heads again. I'm quickly reminding how much I'm personally struggling, how much I've failed as a mom, a wife, a worker, a friend, etc. It's easy to let these fears attack us. Most of the time, our deepest struggles go unseen and unnoticed. This morning like many other mornings before, it was a mad rush to get out the door. It was a fight to get the right outfits on and a fight to comb hair. The vehicle was loaded and running, and I had 0.5 s

Don't Have A Cow

    This morning, like many times before in the past year, I've woken up wondering what kind of world my children have to grow up in. To say I'm sadden by the events of our country recently is an understatement. While I do not wish to make this a political thing, my heart breaks watching our country in turmoil. And maybe the events of your own personal life are leaving you feeling the same thing.  My son is now two and is big into farms, tractors, and all things related to it. A couple weeks ago, we went to a small tractor toy store in the area and he was in heaven! It was a meltdown getting him to leave...if you've never had the experience of carrying a toddler surf-board style out of a business, you're missing out! Before we left, we let him pick out a small toy. He picked out a small white cow to add to his farm collection. It's just a little plastic cow with really not much appeal, if you ask me. The car ride home was spent making moo sounds and pretending that