
Showing posts from October, 2020

Help! I need somebody!

   Yesterday was world mental health day and this one hits home with me. While I think everyone suffers from feelings of sadness and depression at times in their lives, this is not something to be taken lightly. The events of this last spring left me in that kind of dark place. While I refer to these events often, it was the most traumatic experience and a life changer. This morning I felt compelled to share these things with you. To begin with, I want to acknowledge that this covid season has left many people feeling lonely and in depression. While I may not understand the seriousness of other's pain, I definitely get it. At the beginning of May, we were dealt with the diagnosis of our daughter's epilepsy. Knowing something isn't normal with your child definitely takes its toll on your mental health. You do everything you can to protect your child and keep them healthy, but out of nowhere you start to realize little things that are not healthy. We went to multiple doctors

I would walk 500 miles

 It's been a long week...I think to myself on a Monday at 6:30 at night. It's been a couple of rough weeks here. I'm talking about the kids bedtime battles, waking up several times overnight, and then proceeding to wake up long before the crack of dawn. It's all exhausting. Add that to the every day stresses of work, school, errands, Covid concerns, and finding some time for your marriage in between it all. It's a never ending hamster wheel and I'm wondering when I can get off? This last Sunday morning, I was running on the treadmill when my four year old daughter insisted on joining me. Lately, her sass and attitude has only contributed to the parenting fatigue so I am willing to take any sweet moments she will hand out! When I agreed to it, she quickly ran and put on her tennis shoes and hopped on with me. Obviously I couldn't run at my full speed, so I slowed it way down to a nice little walking speed for her. She held onto the handles and her little feet