
Showing posts from October, 2023

I want to break free

  When we first moved into our tri-level house, my initial thoughts were “Awesome! The kids can have one whole entire level as their playroom while I can keep the upstairs clean!” and “There will not be toys scattered all over the house when they have one level specifically called the toy room!” and probably the best one “I will not be bothered at all while trying to make supper now!” And God looked down and laughed and gave us child #3! We had gotten along just fine until she became mobile. So we put up the baby gates on both sets of stairs. In an attempt to keep her confined to one area, she was well aware of all the “treasures” that lay just outside of her little prison….including the toys in the other kids’ bedrooms and most important, the toilet. Yes I said it….if she could grab it and throw it in there without someone seeing, she would be in her glory! You could hear her little baby voice yelling “Flush it” from a level away! Did I mention her middle name should have been Trouble