
Showing posts from August, 2023

Do axolotls go to Heaven?

  My 7-year-old daughter is currently obsessed with axolotls. If you do not know what this is, please see attached picture. That is the G-rated version. If you ’ re feeling ambitious, search google images for pictures of axolotls. These will forever scar your mind. It will haunt you in the middle of the night, give you the eebie jeebies, and make you feel like it ’ s crawling all over you. It will make you think it ’ s going to come out of the shower head at any given moment while taking a shower. Anyone else or is it just me?! These creatures are so ugly, it is the face only a mother can love … and I ’ m not even sure that is the case. The mother lays the eggs and then leaves. Bye Felicia! Did you know that if an axolotl injures or loses a limb, they have the capability of growing it back? It ’ s like that creepy lizard villain in the spider-man movie … just why God, why?!?!   Did you also know that on average, children ask between 200-300 questions a day? And if we ’ re talking about