
Showing posts from February, 2023

In the Pit

  Let me set the scene for you: my husband works night shifts. Bless his soul for being able to provide for our family in no way that I could. I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my children as much as I do. And he never complains when an Amazon package is delivered to our front door. But as much as I love my kids…..lets face it - solo parenting is hard. Any type of parenting is hard. Like really hard. Like the hardest job on the face of the earth. Like stuff your face into a pillow and scream your lungs out hard. These kids are feral and they don’t listen (they get that from their father). Also the noise level in this house has to set some kind of record. And now that I have three - is it normal for moms to just not get to sit down? Like ever? I’ve been in a funk lately. You can call it seasonal depression, the winter blues, post partum something or other, hormonal imbalance, stress…I don’t know. I just know I am in a pit. A deep pit that doesn’t seem to have a way out. I’ve