
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Perfectly Imperfect Christmas Tree

  If you know anything about us, you know that we absolutely love Christmas! Although it might be embarrassing to admit, we tend to start blasting the Christmas music shortly after Halloween...sometimes even before. Especially after having kids, the holiday spirit seems to explode in our home and hearts earlier and earlier. We love it all - the music, the lights, the TV specials, the food, the activities, the pajamas, everything! You probably think I'm crazy and/or have stopped reading this post by now, but I'm getting to the point I promise.  Before kids, I tended to be somewhat of a perfectionist. Everything had to match and everything in it's place. The house was pinterest-worthy for a good two years after we were married. But then along came the children. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but let's face it - there is zero perfectionism when it comes to them. One of our favorite family activities is setting up the tree. Getting out all the ornaments and ret