
Showing posts from October, 2021

In the Middle of The Night

  It's been quite a while since I've logged back on here. My apologies - we've just been in a season of busyness and chaos; dealing with home remodels, back to school, toddler chaos, and morning sickness. They say each season of parenting comes with its own struggles and this season is no different or easier than the last. Within the last month, we've been dealing with the night time scaries. When you're a new parent, you usually hear that babies sleep through the night before they turn one. But let me tell you - my kids are five and three and ain't nobody sleeping through the night here! Since we moved in to our new house, we've dealt with fear of the new rooms, bad dreams, night terrors, separation anxiety, injuries, a trip to the ER, more toddler sickness, and a partridge in a pear tree!  I was recently talking with my husband reminiscing about the good old days: where we could go to bed whenever we wanted because we weren't completely drained from th