
Showing posts from June, 2020

Tell Me Why?

Why? The greatest question there ever was...especially when you hear it all day long. My daughter recently began this "Why" phase where everything you tell her is questioned by "but why?". She's so curious about the world around her and is learning new things every day, but this simple question gets overwhelming at times. Most of the time my answer is the common parenting advice "because I said so". But the more she questions me reminds me of all the times I've been questioning God especially lately. In a very short amount of time, our family has suffered some pretty major blows. While I can't go into wide detail right now, the trauma and stress has had many serious impacts. To be honest, there's been days where I find it hard to get out of bed and hard to fall asleep. There's been times where I couldn't be the mom that my children needed me to be. While I can extend an endless thank you to all of my support system, we are still rec