
Showing posts from April, 2020

Under Attack

Here we are on what feels like day #300 of quarantine. It still seems so surreal, like this should be something only seen in movies. The days and weeks that have passed have been met with rounds of different emotions, both felt separately and somehow at the same time. I'm talking about fear, anxiety, loneliness, gratitude, and encouragement all come about like waves on the shore...each on their own time and changing in seconds. This morning as I read from Nehemiah, his story has felt quite similar to what we're dealing with today. Nehemiah felt in his heart that he needed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls that the people had wickedly destroyed. He had several helpers and each was assigned their own task along the way. This was no easy feat and the people were soon wore out, "The strength of the laborers was giving out." They were met with opposition all around them, the enemy was determined to attack on every side, "wherever we turn they will attack