
Showing posts from October, 2019

Wandering in the wilderness...with toddlers

About a month ago, I made the decision to read through the entire bible. This is not an easy task, especially with a three year old and one year old at home with me. Some days I read five or six chapters and other days I only make it through a couple verses. Anyways, I'm diving deep into the book of Exodus. While I was dreading the old testament laws and genealogies, the stories are actually surprising with how much they resonate with me. I've heard them all before as a child, but to sit and read through them again as an adult is quite interesting and I would highly recommend it. Today's storyline really hit me and inspired me to share this. Now I've gotten to a man named Moses. Everyone knows him and his story, but I want to dive deeper.  Now Moses was specifically chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Can you imagine the state of shock when God said "Go, I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt!" Moses'