
Showing posts from December, 2021

Is there room?

 There's an iconic meme going around about the 1997 movie Titanic. At the end of the movie when the Titanic ship starts sinking (spoiler alert), there's an infamous picture of Rose floating on what seems to be a piece of a door, or some sort of wooden object. Her beloved Jack is clinging to the side of it in the frigid waters clearly suffering from hypothermia. The biggest debate about this scene is...was there enough room on the board for both of them to survive? It's a hot topic of discussion landing people on both sides of the debate. We moved into this house about 6 months ago now and on the first day here, we found out we were expecting. Plot twist! With the stress of moving comes the many many unpacked boxes and toys of old that are carefully hidden away. It was just a few weeks ago that we dedicated a whole day to cleaning out the spare bedroom. The room that once served as a storage area/toy room/unpacked boxes/future rummage sale items, meant to serve as