
Showing posts from April, 2021

Missing in Action

  Have you ever lost something of value to you? I'm married to a man that often misplaces what seems like everything. I hear countless times a day, "Have you seen my ____" (It's usually keys, wallet, or phone). While often times it is usually left in a bizarre place, the feeling of losing something is overwhelming. The fear of it being gone forever leaves us with an incredible urge and desire to find it ASAP. And once it's been found, we release a huge sigh of relief. Not today, black hole of the universe!  It reminds me of the time my kid wandered off at the store. We had driven three hours away to visit my in-laws cabin. My husband went fishing and my mother-in-law and I took the kids to the local Walmart to pick out their Halloween costumes. It was when we were in the meat section that I looked up and noticed my two year old was nowhere in sight. I called his name, I quickly viewed every nearby aisle, I ran over to my mother-in-law who also did not have him in