
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Unwanted Pumpkins

  Hello again, friends. It's been a while since I've last written. The funny thing about time is that you don't fully realize how fast it goes by. But we are still here in 2020. We've gotten back into the swing of our new normalcy, school and dance class has started back up - each with their own new sets of protocols. It is now my most favorite time of year...hello fall! I love all things fall - changing leaves, hoodies, apple cider, all things pumpkin, etc. But one of our favorite things to do as a family every fall is to visit the pumpkin patch! It is like the "Disney World" to our young kids. Their eyes light up and are filled with wonder at the widespread pumpkin fields.  On a recent visit there, we took the hayride out to the fields where we pick our own pumpkins. My husband always eagerly searches for the most perfect pumpkin, the biggest one without blemishes. He hoists it on his shoulders and proudly carries it back to the waiting hayride. This year wa