
Showing posts from November, 2019

Stuck in fear

Have you ever attempted to do something you were completely unqualified for? Trust me, I've been there and done that! Just ask my the "Pinterest mom", I like to find new projects or crafts to try with the kids. Sometimes they turn out, but most often they are a fail! A huge, embarrassing fail that just reminds me I'm not as crafty as I thought I was.  I finally made it into the book of Deuteronomy and Moses is leading the Israelites across the Jordan and into Canaan...finally the promised land. In these first few chapters, Moses is kind of recapping the past events and failures of the Israelite people. I find it almost humorous that he is repeating their failures over and over. There comes a point in the story where God tells the people to go up and fight the people over the valley of Eschol. It was a good land bearing good fruit, however they needed to overcome the intimidating people there. They were scared..."Our brothers have made us lose heart

Talking donkeys and crushed Cheerios!

I slowly close my daughter's bedroom door as I let out a long sigh of relief. I walk down the hallway feeling like Rocky at the end of every iconic boxing scene...exhausted, a little beaten up, and a little broken, even with the tune of "Eye of the Tiger" ringing out in my mind. I crash down on the couch finally feeling victorious - the day is done. I think all parents can agree that some days are like rainbows and sunshine, but most days are all. This is one of those days. The kind of day that starts out rough, the kids are up long before the crack of dawn, and then things slowly snowball into one giant mountain of frustration and irritability. But now, I kick up my feet and try to find some sort of silver lining! I'm currently reading in the book of Numbers and today's story comes from Numbers 22. The Israelites are getting very close to reaching Canaan and have set up camp near Moab. The Moabites have heard about these Israelites and things they have